Users of React Share Services (these include content submission and its website), are responsible for, and for any consequences for all Submissions, (submissions includes any file type uploaded to React Share in addition to written content and comments) posted to React Share, are responsible . All uploaded Submissions will be visible to other users of the Services. Users should only post Submissions that they’re comfortable with others seeing.
By using React Share you agree to abide by the following rules:
– Users must be 18 years or older.
– Submissions must not be in violation of any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity or other right of any other person or entity;
– Submissions must not be knowingly false and untruthful;
– Submissions may not contain threatening, offensive, harassing, hateful, pornographic, abusive, nude, sexual activity, or generally inappropriate content.
– Users must not impersonate a person or entity.
– Submissions must not contain viruses or computer software that is designed to damage, disrupt or interfere with proper correct functioning of React Share or User computers.
React Share reserves the right to remove any Submissions at any time for any reason.
By posting Submissions on React Share you give React Share a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide license, that grants the ability to publish, display, reproduce, process, transmit, adapt, distribute and modify the Submission in all media or dissemination method. Each Submission, transmitted through any method, is solely the responsibility of the individual who created the Submission. React Share will retain at all times the ability to remove or reject any Submission.
React Share can modify or change Submissions for use in media or to adapt the Submission for various technical requirements. These supplementary uses will be made with no compensation paid to Users.